健康产业加盟融资好项目 唯有中医特效药方可彻底消灭新冠病毒 访“国际健康作者:admin浏览:1022023-01-29
探索大健康产业发展 ACCESS集团旗下VTN引领健康消费新趋势作者:admin浏览:1132022-03-09
践行“健康中国2030” 亿邦健康发力“互联网健康”作者:admin浏览:2542019-12-25
北爱尔兰医疗保健-1800个未填补的工作Northern Ireland Health Care -1800 Unfilled Jobs作者:admin浏览:2592019-11-08
NI护士投票罢工,首次人员编制和薪酬NI Nurses Vote for Strike, First Staffing and Salary作者:admin浏览:2252019-11-08
成人精神病部门“隐藏”对女孩的风险Adult Psychiatric Department "Hides" Risks to Girls作者:admin浏览:3532019-11-08
2019年大选:工党5亿英镑的国民保健服务要求事实核实Election in 2019: Labor Party\'s 500 Million Pound National Health Service Requires Facts to Be Verified作者:admin浏览:2232019-11-08
女孩将接受200英里的白血病治疗旅行The girl will undergo a 200-mile leukemia treatment tour.作者:admin浏览:3092019-11-08
护理行业每年“泄漏” 15亿英镑The nursing industry "leaks" 1.5 billion pounds a year作者:admin浏览:2972019-11-08
英国在医疗保健方面是否落后于其他富裕国家?Does Britain lag behind other rich countries in health care?作者:admin浏览:2572019-11-08
慢走是快老的迹象:45岁时步伐缓慢可能是痴呆和早逝的警告信号Slow walking is a sign of fast aging: slow walking at 45 may be a warning sign of dementia and premature death.作者:admin浏览:3882019-10-14
常规手术去除肿胀后,失明的NHS医生砍掉了62岁男子的睾丸After routine surgery to remove swelling, blind NHS doctors cut off the 62-year-old man作者:admin浏览:2292019-10-09
患有癫痫病的孩子是英国医疗大麻僵局的受害者Children with epilepsy are victims of the deadlock over medical marijuana in Britain作者:admin浏览:2232019-09-29
研究发现,无肉饮食对环境不是更好Studies have found that a meat-free diet is not better for the environment.作者:admin浏览:4842019-09-27
“革命性”新型抗癌药物获批"Revolutionary" New Anticancer Drugs Approved作者:admin浏览:3922019-09-25
剖腹产“是最安全的生育选择”Caesarean section "is the safest birth choice"作者:admin浏览:1912019-09-25
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