卫中报 > 要闻 > 国际文化形象大使——方晋平




  Now a special artist for Chinese Foreign Affairs(现为中国外事国宾礼特供艺术家)

  Member of China Calligrapher Association(中国书法家协会会员)

  Senior calligrapher of Ministry of culture(文化部高级书法家)

  Inheritors of intangible cultural heritage of Chinese Calligraphy(中国书法技艺非遗传承人)

  National first level Book Master(国家一级书法师)

  Member of Shandong Calligrapher Association(山东省书法家协会会员)

  Outstanding Chinese Artists(中国杰出艺术家)

  Currently vice chairman of Confucius Institute of calligraphy and painting of China(中国孔子书画研究院副主席)

  Honorary chairman of Jinan Yiyuan calligraphy and Painting Academy(济南艺缘书画院名誉主席)

  Vice president of Beijing anti Big Book Painting Institute(北京抗大书画院副院长)

  Vice director of calligraphy and Art Committee of Shandong Luyi calligraphy and Painting Research Center(山东鲁艺书画研究中心书法艺委会副主任)

  Vice president of the Chinese leading cadres online calligraphy and Painting Research Institute(中国领导干部网书画研究院副院长)

  Vice president of Shandong Branch of Chinese Academy of Chinese painting(中国国画研究院山东分院副院长)

  Signed artists of Confucius Art Museum(孔子美术馆签约艺术家)

  Beijing fushengxuan signed artist(北京复圣轩签约艺术家)

  Artists signed by the people's Academy of painting(世界青年文明论坛书画创作委员会委员)

  Member of the calligraphy and painting creation Committee of the world youth civilization Forum(世界青年文明论坛书画创作委员会委员)




  Artistic achievements

  As a guest artist selected by APEC and the Ministry of international trade of China, Mr. fangjinping presents his calligraphy works to the ambassador of the foreign head and is collected by the National Museum, the Great Hall of the people and the National People's Congress. In particular, the book of heart and the Jingjing are collected by Shaolin Temple, Songzanlin temple, Puzhao temple, thar temple, finance God Temple, Shun temple, North Zen temple, Jiuhua Mountain Huayan Temple, Jining Baoxiang temple, Wuming Buddhist College, Nantong temple and other temples. The works were introduced to the Sixth China Clean Government Cultural book and painting exhibition, and won awards at home and abroad for many times, and were issued in China stamps and world stamps, and spread to China, the United States, Europe and other countries and regions. Works follow the ancient and modern, inherit and develop, and follow the two kings' calligraphy style. The works are full of spirit and beautiful, which has a high collection value. It is a rare excellent calligrapher today! He was named Ambassador of the Chinese national guest ceremony.








  方晋平先生作为亚太经合中心和中国国际贸易部推选的中国外事国宾礼艺术家 ,其书法作品赠送外国首脑大使并被国家博物馆、人民大会堂、全国人大等机构收藏。特别是《心经》《金刚经》被少林寺、松赞林寺、普照寺、塔尔寺、财神寺、舜帝庙、北禅寺、九华山华严寺、济宁宝相寺、五明佛学院、南通寺等寺庙收藏。作品入展第六届中国廉政文化书画展,多次在国内外参展获奖,并在中国邮票和世界邮票发行,传播至中国、美国、欧洲等国家和地区。作品袭古传今,传承发展,沿二王书体一脉相承,作品神气十足,美仑美奂具有极高的收藏价值,是当今不可多得优秀书法家!被评为中国国宾礼形象大使。




  唯有勤奋参悟,博学笃行方可有所成就!艺无止境,是方晋平的追求目标! 方晋平先生是当代被评选为最优秀的小楷书法家之一,是小楷书法与中华文化相结合的集大成者,先生是我们推荐的当代最优秀的书法家之一,是一颗冉冉升起的书法明星,在传承中华文明的道路上兢兢业业,无愧为时代楷模!

