国际文化形象大使 ——吕娟(千娟)
Lv Juan (qianjuan), a Chinese artist in Japan, is a national first-class artist and calligrapher. Doctor of literature and art.She learned from Aixinjueluo Jianguo and Japanese painter Fukuda Qianhui. After years of painstaking study and research, he has integrated the characteristics of Chinese painting and Japanese painting with Western painting, and explored a unique painting style. Her works have made brilliant appearances in major art exhibitions at home and abroad for many times, and won wide praise. She has been praised as "Cherry girl king" by professionals. In 2017, six countries around the world issued commemorative stamps at the same time. In 2018, the Japanese painting "Cherry Blossom" was selected into the Japanese new spring festival exhibition, the color ink painting "sunflower" was selected into the Singapore Art Exhibition in 2018, and the color ink painting "Cherry Blossom" was selected into the International Art Salon Exhibition of Louvre in Paris in 2019. The Japanese painting "Cherry Blossom" created in 2021 was selected as the excellent award of Asian art exhibition. The representative works "cherry blossom in a century", "Wisteria", "auspicious light" and other series of works were highly praised by collection institutions and inpidual collectors at home and abroad. They were sold continuously at rongbaozhai, Hanhai, Baoli and other major auction houses, and were favored.
吕娟(千绢), 旅日华人艺术家,国家一级美术师,国家一级书法家。文艺学博士。师承爱新觉罗建国老师与日本画画家福田千惠老师。经过多年的潜心学习和研究,将中国画、日本画的特点与西方绘画融会贯通,探索出独树一帜的绘画风格,其作品多次在海内外各大美术展览中精彩亮相,广获好评,被专业界人士誉为《樱花女王》。
2017 年作品被世界六个国家同时发行纪念邮票。创作的日本画《樱花》2018 年入选日本新日春展、创作的彩墨画《向日葵》2018 年入选新加坡美术展、创作的彩墨画《樱花》2019 年入选法国巴黎卢浮宫国际艺术沙龙展。2021创作的曰本画《樱花》入选亚洲美術大展优秀奖,代表作品《百年樱花》《紫藤》、《吉祥之光》等系列作品深受海内外各界收藏机构及个人收藏爱好者的高度好评,并在荣宝斋、瀚海、保利等各大拍卖行连续拍上拍,备受青睐。
“天人合一道法自然绘画之美 欣赏吕娟(千绢)作品”
本文标题:国际文化形象大使 ——吕娟(千娟)