Index Bank赞助支持美国2019“大数据人工智能创新方法峰会Index Bank Sponsors US 2019 "Big Data AI Innovation Summit"作者:admin浏览:2132019-12-12
十年等待 一招发力——专访Index Bank亚太区CEO张彩芳博士Ten years waiting for a move to make an effort作者:admin浏览:2252019-12-03
奈杰尔·法拉格敦促战术投票支持英国退欧Nigel Faragher Urges Tactical Vote for Britain\'s Brexit作者:admin浏览:28712019-12-03
授予旅美经济学家向凌云教授为中国企业海外形象大使Professor Xiang lingyun, an economist in the United States, was awarded the title of ambassador for overseas image of Chinese enterprises.作者:admin浏览:1592019-11-30
Index Bank首席运营官张彩芳博士 出席中国信息经济+数字科技发展大会Dr. Zhang caifang, chief operating officer of Index Bank, attended the China information economy+digital technology development conference.作者:admin浏览:3312019-11-30
IndexBank指数银行荣获2019中国最具投资价值企业IndexBank Index Bank Won 2019 China\'s Most Valuable Investment Enterprise作者:admin浏览:2352019-11-26
Index Bank庆祝美国华裔日成立并支持美国众议员陈立德连任Index Bank Celebrates Chinese American Day and Supports U.S. Representative Chen Lide\'s Re-election作者:admin浏览:1682019-11-21
Index Bank鼎立支持赞助亚洲音乐盛典暨对话总统论坛Index Bank Supports Asian Music Ceremony and Dialogue Presidential Forum作者:admin浏览:1832019-11-18
API与IndexBank指数银行达成战略合作API and IndexBank index bank reach strategic cooperation作者:admin浏览:1332019-11-01
国际信息发展组织在美国数据大会上发布GCAI公益宣言International Information Development Organization Releases GCAI Public Interest Declaration at US Data Conference作者:admin浏览:1472019-11-01
自周一以来六名英国女政治家辞职Six British Female Politicians Resign Since Monday作者:admin浏览:1922019-11-01
著名科学家郭友中受聘为国际信息发展组织学术委员会联合主席Guo Youzhong, a famous scientist, was appointed as co chairman of the academic committee of the international organization for information development作者:admin浏览:1232019-10-25
迈克尔院士受聘为国际信息发展组织 学术委员会联合主席Academician Michael Appointed as Co-Chairman of the Academic Committee of the International Organization for Information Development作者:admin浏览:2792019-10-18
英国航空公司因网站故障泄露信息将面临2.3亿美元的罚款British airways faces a fine of 230 million us dollars for leaking information due to website failure.作者:admin浏览:18262019-10-15
GCAI指数与Index Bank指数银行引发全球关注GCAI index and Index Bank index banks attract global attention.作者:admin浏览:2382019-10-09
比尔·盖茨在剑桥大学演讲之前誓言,我们将在20年内消除世界饥饿Before his speech at Cambridge University, Bill Gates vowed that we would eradicate world hunger within 20 years.作者:admin浏览:2372019-10-07
斯特纳·因佩罗(Stena Impero):伊朗“仍在调查”扣押英国油轮Stena Impero: Iran \'still investigating\' seized British tanker作者:admin浏览:2342019-09-26
英国脱欧:戈夫说边境不会危害警察Brexit: Goff Says Border Will Not Harm Police作者:admin浏览:6962019-09-26
工党将赋予居住在英国的所有外国公民首次大选选举权The Labor Party will give all foreign citizens living in Britain the right to vote in the first election.作者:admin浏览:2502019-09-23